Key to Codes Used by the Nevada Division of Natural Heritage
Note: NDNH makes every effort to keep other agency statuses current; however, it is recommended that you consult with each agency to ensure you have the most current information.
Rank Code | Definition-also available on NatureServe Explorer |
G | Refers to the global population of a species. |
T | Refers to the subspecific or variety taxonomic level (used in conjunction with Grank); uses numeric ranks 1-5 in the same way that G and S ranks are applied. |
S | Refers to the subnational (state) population of a species, subspecies, or variety. |
X | Presumed Extirpated - Species or ecosystem is believed to be extirpated in the state. Not located despite intensive searches of historical sites and other appropriate habitat, and virtually no likelihood that it will be rediscovered. |
H | Possibly Extirpated - Known from only historical records but still some hope of rediscovery. There is evidence that the species or ecosystem may no longer be present in the jurisdiction, but not enough to state this with certainty. |
1 | Critically Imperiled - At very high risk of extirpation in the jurisdiction due to very restricted range, very few populations or occurrences, very steep declines, severe threats, or other factors. |
2 | Imperiled - At high risk of extirpation in the jurisdiction due to restricted range, few populations or occurrences, steep declines, severe threats, or other factors. |
3 | Vulnerable - At moderate risk of extirpation in the jurisdiction due to a fairly restricted range, relatively few populations or occurrences, recent and widespread declines, threats, or other factors. |
4 | Apparently Secure - At a fairly low risk of extirpation in the jurisdiction due to an extensive range and/or many populations or occurrences, but with possible cause for some concern as a result of local recent declines, threats, or other factors. |
5 | Secure - At very low or no risk of extirpation in the jurisdiction due to a very extensive range, abundant populations or occurrences, with little to no concern from declines or threats. |
S#S# | Range Rank - A numeric range rank (e.g., S2S3 or S1S3) is used to indicate any range of uncertainty about the status of the species or ecosystem. Ranges cannot skip more than two ranks (e.g., SU is used rather than S1S4). |
NR |
Unranked - Conservation status not yet assessed. |
NA | Not Applicable - A conservation status rank is not applicable because the species or ecosystem is not a suitable target for conservation activities (e.g., long distance aerial and aquatic migrants, hybrids without conservation value, and non-native species or ecosystems). |
U | Unrankable - Currently unrankable due to lack of information or due to substantially conflicting information about status or trends. |
Q | Questionable taxonomy - Taxonomic distinctiveness of the entity at the current level is questionable or currently being reviewed; resolution of this uncertainty may result in change from a species to a subspecies, variety, or hybrid, or the inclusion of this taxon in another taxon, with the resulting taxon having a lower-priority conservation status. |
B | Breeding - Conservation status refers to the breeding population of the species in the state. |
N | Non-breeding - Conservation status refers to the non-breeding population of the species in the state. |
M | Migrant - Migrant species occurring regularly on migration at particular staging areas or concentration spots where the species might warrant conservation attention. Conservation status refers to the aggregating transient population of the species in the state. |
S#? |
Inexact Numeric Rank - Denotes inexact numeric rank; this should not be used with any of the Variant Subnational Conservation Status Ranks, SX, or SH. |
NDNH Code | Track Status Description |
Y | Tracked as an at-risk species on NDNH’s Animal and Plant At-Risk Tracking List; data actively managed. |
W | Maintained on NDNH’s Animal and Plant Watch List; data passively accumulated. |
N | Not Tracked as an at-risk species or maintained on the Watch List. |
NDNH Code | Taxonomic Group |
A | Vertebrate Animal |
AA | Amphibian |
AB | Bird |
AF | Fish |
AM | Mammal |
AR | Reptile |
I | Invertebrate Animal |
IA | Annelid |
IC | Crustacean |
II | Insect |
IL | Chelicerate (Arachnid) |
IM | Mollusc |
IP | Platyhelminthe |
N | Non-vascular Plant |
NB | Bryophyte |
NL | Lichen |
P | Vascular Plant |
PP | Fern |
PG | Gymnosperm |
PD | Dicot |
PM | Monocot |
NDNH Code | USFWS Status Description |
LE | Listed Endangered - In danger of extinction throughout all or a significant portion of its range. |
LT | Listed Threatened - Likely to become endangered within the foreseeable future throughout all or a significant portion of its range. |
PE or PT | Proposed for official listing as Endangered or Threatened |
C | Candidate - A species under consideration for official listing for which there is sufficient information to support listing. |
SC | Species that have not been petitioned or been given LE, LT, or C status but have been identified as important to monitor. |
PDL | Proposed for delisting |
SAE or SAT | Listed Endangered or Threatened because of similarity of appearance |
PSAE or PSAT | Proposed Endangered or Threatened because of similarity of appearance |
XE | Essential experimental population |
XN | Non-essential experimental population |
NDNH Code | BLM Status Description |
S | Sensitive Species - Species designated Sensitive by the Nevada BLM State Director |
C | California BLM state status (Sensitive) |
NDNH Code | USFS Status Definition |
E | Endangered – as designated by the Endangered Species Act |
T | Threatened – as designated by the Endangered Species Act |
R4S | Region 4 (Humboldt-Toiyabe National Forest) Sensitive |
R5S | Region 5 (Inyo National Forest or Lake Tahoe Basin Management Unit) Sensitive or Watch status |
R5SP | Region 5 (Inyo National Forest [includes Lake Tahoe Basin Management Unit]) proposed Sensitive or Watch status |
NDNH Code | State Designation Definition |
EM | Nevada State Symbol (NRS 235) |
CE | Critically Endangered Plant (NAC 527.010) |
CE# | Recommended for listing as Critically Endangered Plant (NAC 527.010) |
CY | Protected as a cactus, yucca, or Christmas tree (NRS 527.070) |
PI | Protected Invertebrate; currently only includes Mollusks (NAC 503.076) |
GF | Game Fish (NAC 503.060) |
PF | Protected Fish (NAC 503.065.1) |
SF | Sensitive Fish (NAC 503.067) |
TF | Threatened Fish (NAC 503.065.3) |
EF | Endangered Fish (NAC 503.065.2) |
PA | Protected Amphibian (NAC 503.075.2) |
PR | Protected Reptile (NAC 503.080.1) |
TR | Threatened Reptile (NAC 503.080.2) |
UB | Unprotected Birds (NAC 503.055) |
GB | Game Bird (NAC 503.045) |
PB | Protected Birds (NAC 503.050.1) |
SB | Sensitive Birds (NAC 503.050.3) |
EB | Endangered Birds (NAC 503.050.2) |
UM | Unprotected Mammal (NAC 503.035) |
GM | Game Mammal (NAC 503.020) |
FM | Fur-bearing Mammal (NAC 503.025) |
PM | Protected Mammal (NAC 503.030.1) |
SM | Sensitive Mammal (NAC 503.030.3) |
TM | Threatened Mammal (NAC 503.030.2) |
NDNH Code | Nevada Endemic Status Definition |
Y | Found naturally only in Nevada |
P | Probable Nevada endemic |
N | Not endemic to Nevada |
NDNH Code | Wetland Dependency Definition |
Y | Taxon requires aquatic or wetland habitats (open water or hydric vegetation and at least seasonally saturated soil) for its survival, either always or at one or more critical life stages. |
M | Taxon is usually or always found around the margins of wetland habitats but does not directly use such habitats. |
NDNH Code | Sand Dune Dependency Definition |
Y | Taxon is dependent upon sand dunes or strongly associated with sand dunes (i.e., found on dune skirts or extensive deep-sand deposits). |
P | Taxon is possibly dependent upon sand dunes or deep-sand deposits. |
NDNH Code | NNPS Status Definition |
A | Reported erroneously from Nevada or further examination of species showed it to be a different species; previously with another status but now not of concern. |
D | Delisted, dropped from consideration, no longer of concern. |
E | Endangered - Believed to meet the ESA definition of Endangered but not formally listed. |
M | Marginal/disjunct, rare and/or possibly distinct, and potentially vulnerable in the Nevada portion of its range, but much more widespread and secure outside Nevada. |
PE | Possibly Extirpated, historically native to Nevada, but may no longer survive in the wild. |
R | Research needed - Possibly rare but more information is needed to make the determination. |
T | Threatened - Believed to meet the ESA definition of Threatened but not formally listed. |
W | Watch List species - Potentially vulnerable to becoming Threatened or Endangered. |
NDNH Code | Select IUCN Statuses as applied to Nevada taxa (IUCN Red List Categories and Criteria, V 3.1, second edition) |
CR | Critically Endangered - Taxon faces an extremely high risk of extinction in the wild |
EN | Endangered - Taxon faces a very high risk of extinction in the wild |
VU | Vulnerable - Taxon faces a high risk of extinction in the wild |
NT | Near Threatened - Likely to qualify for a threatened category in the near future |
LC | Least Concern - Widespread and abundant |
NDNH Code | CCVI score as assessed by NDNH within the state of Nevada |
EV | Extremely Vulnerable: Abundance and/or range extent within Nevada extremely likely to substantially decrease or disappear by 2050. |
HV | Highly Vulnerable – Abundance and/or range extent within Nevada likely to decrease significantly by 2050. |
MV | Moderately Vulnerable- Abundance and/or range extent with Nevada assessed likely to decrease by 2050. |
PS | Presumed Stable – Available evidence does not suggest that abundance and/or range extent within Nevada will change. |
IL | Increase Likely – Available evidence suggests that abundance and/or range extent within Nevada is likely to increase by 2050. |
IE | Insufficient Evidence – Available information about a species’ vulnerability is inadequate to calculate an Index score. |
NDNH Code | Group - Assigned Status - Definition |
AFS_T | American Fisheries Society – Threatened |
RED | Audubon Watchlist 2007 - Red List - Species that are declining rapidly and/or have very small populations or limited ranges, and face major conservation threats; typically species of global conservation concern. |
YEL | Audubon Watchlist 2007 - Yellow List - Species that are either declining or rare; typically species of national conservation concern. |
SCP_12 | Nevada Wildlife Action Plan (2012) - Species of Conservation Priority |
SCP_05 | Nevada Wildlife Action Plan (2005) - Species of Conservation Priority |
PBS | Nevada Partners in Flight – Priority Bird Species |