The following laws and chapters are relevant to activities of the Nevada Division of Natural Heritage. NRS = Nevada Revised Statutes, NAC = Nevada Administrative Code.
- Establishment of the Nevada Division of Natural Heritage within the Nevada Department of Conservation and Natural Resources: NRS 232.1366 and list of duties 232.1369.
- Nevada Revised Statutes pertaining to data confidentiality NRS 232.1369.
- Official state emblems, including the state trees, flower, grass, bird, reptile, animal, fish, and fossil: NRS 235.
- Definition of wildlife categories in Nevada: NRS 501.
- Current list of protected, game, pest, and other categories of wildlife: NAC 503.
- Regulation of commercial harvest of cacti, yuccas, and evergreen trees; protection of selected plant species declared to be in danger of extinction: NRS 527.
- Nevada Division of Forestry's list of fully protected plant species: NAC 527.
- Duties and responsibilities of the Nevada Natural Heritage Program: NAC 527.
- Designation and Regulation of noxious weeds and other pests by the Nevada Department of Agriculture: NRS 555.
- Current noxious weed list: NAC 555. See also the list on the Nevada Department of Agriculture web site.
- NDEP/BLM/USFS Nevada Guidelines for Successful Revegetation adopted jointly by the Nevada Division of Environmental Protection, the Bureau of Land Management, and the U.S. Forest Service.
- Selected statutes relevant to natural resource planning in Nevada, compiled in Section 1 and Section 3 (PDF files) of the 1999 Nevada State Water Plan Part 1, developed by the (former) Nevada Division of Water Planning.
- Current Nevada State Administrative Manual, a compilation of policy statements concerning the internal operations of State government, based on statute or other approved regulations.
- Comprehensive text of Nevada laws and regulations.